Our team provides services that are individually designed to meet the unique needs of your family. We focus on the use of play in our therapy sessions as a way to help kids find their voice, learn, and grow! Our health care services strive to hear your concerns and find the root cause to your symptoms. At Expression our goal is to create an environment where your child and family feels comfortable, supported, and able to have fun!
Mackenzie Woodworth
MA, CCC-SLP, QOM-Track Candidate
Speech & Language Pathologist
Mackenzie is originally from Spokane, WA. She received her Master’s degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences from Washington State University. She relocated to North Dakota in 2017, where she discovered her passion for working with children in an outpatient setting. Mackenzie’s professional interests include early language development, feeding, swallowing, and motor speech disorders. She is a PROMPT trained clinician and has completed certification courses for LiPS and the Beckman Oral Motor protocol. Mackenzie has completed certification courses for the More Than Words and It Takes Two to Talk programs as well. Mackenzie may love her entire scope, but her primary professional focus is orofacial myofunctional therapy. She has completed two certification courses: an IAOM approved course, which will allow her to receive her COM Certification, and the Orofacial Myology course, which will allow her to receive her QOM certification. Mackenzie has also completed the Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty. Outside of her professional life, Mackenzie enjoys spending time with her husband and their 3 boys and being outdoors.
Tessa Nelson
MA, CCC-SLP, QOM-Track Candidate,
Speech & Language Pathologist
Tessa Nelson graduated from The University of Akron in August of 2022 with her Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology. She completed a clinical rotation at Expression and found it to be a perfect fit. She is originally from Warren, MN but lived in Fargo for 10 years prior to moving to western North Dakota. Previous work experience includes working with children with autism at the North Dakota Autism Center, Inc. for 3 years, then was a daycare and family program manager at Family Wellness for 4 years. She currently lives in Dickinson with her husband, 10-year-old son, 8-year old daughter. Her clinical interests lie in the pediatric population areas of Myofunctional Disorders, airway centric care, tethered oral issues, dysphagia, traditional feed therapy, AAC, articulation, voice, and motor speech disorders. Tessa has completed her course work be to a certified orofacial myofunctional therapist through the IAOM (Internation Association of Myofunctional Therapy) and the Orofacial Myology as a QOM-Track Candidate. Tessa has also completed the Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty.

Trisha Getz
Speech & Language Pathologist
​Trish received her Master's of Science degree in Communication Disorders from Minot State University in 2001. Trish is a member of ASHA (American Speech Hearing Association) and holds CCC's (Certificate of Clinical Competence). She has extensive training within Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and attended the North Dakota Annual Conference in 2022. She is certified in Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention. She is also trainied in administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), apraxia of speech using many approaches and strategies including Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol, and completed the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) training: completed PECS Level 1 and Level 2.
Ally Cox
Occupational Therapist
Ally is originally from Dickinson and has her Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Mary. Ally is passionate about continuing her education in order to provide kids with the most effective and research based interventions. She is an S.O.S. and SOFFI Trained Feeding Therapist, skilled in addressing feeding development and picky eating from birth through childhood. Ally has also pursued additional trainings in primitive reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements. Ally enjoys working with children of all ages and abilities! Outside of work, Ally likes to run, bike, and spend time with her family and dogs.

Jordyn Phelps
COTA/L, CPRCS, Baby-Led Sleep Specialist
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Jordyn, originally from Wahpeton, ND graduated with her Associates of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy from NDSCS. She also has her Bachelor's in Exercise Science from MSUM. She specializes in pediatric occupational therapy with special interests in neurological and developmental delays. Jordyn has completed continuing education in developmental sound activated vestibular-visual protocol, or Astronaut Training, pediatric sleep, and various feeding courses. Jordyn is 1 of 4 Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialist via the renowned Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CPRCS. She has also completed training for Red Light Therapy use within therapy sessions to increase the overall impact of therapy sessions. Outside of work, Jordyn enjoys spending time with her family, hunting, fishing, & riding dirt bike.
Brooklyn Olin
Office Manager
Brooklyn is a Dickinson native and a graduate of NDSU. Brooklyn can be found completing all the loose ends of our daily tasks to help assist your child's therapy session in being highly successful. She and her husband Ben have three beautiful girls. When Brooklyn is not at work she enjoys being with her family, creating crazy DIY projects for her husband, or taking a nap.